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3 Tips for Choosing the Right Daycare

Finding the perfect daycare for your kiddo can be the cause of some definite headaches. That’s why we’ve compiled some things to keep in mind when you are commencing your search. When you’re done reading through these, we’d love you to visit us at Texas Children’s Academy and see if we can be that perfect fit for you and your child!

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1. Observe Behavior

Watch how the staff interacts with the kids. Are they engaging with them? Or are they just letting the kids run roughshod over everything? Not only do you want to get an idea of how the staff behaves, but it’s also good to see how the children interact with each other. When dealing with these early stages of childhood development, it’s important that they have good influences surrounding them, both in adults and in children their own age. A lot of big lessons are being learned right now.

2. Check Policies

It’s important that a daycare center has policies in line with your parenting philosophy. Ask about the rules regarding discipline, feeding, sleeping, and outside visitors. Knowing about these policies will help you make the right decision and avoid any possible disagreements about those subjects in the future.

3. Keep Communicating

An ongoing conversation with daycare staff is integral to a great childcare situation for everyone involved. This is especially important when your child is too young to speak. The staff will be able to give you updates on your child’s development, behavior, and assist you in addressing any issues they may be noticing. It’s also good to give info about important events your little one may be going through, like not sleeping enough or beginning teething.

With these tips in mind, we hope you find Texas Children’s Academy can fill your childcare needs! Give us a call today to schedule a visit so you can see how we work for you. We understand what a huge amount of trust you are putting in your daycare provider, and we want to tend to all of your needs no matter how great or small.